The High Street Hill neighborhood is located in Precincts 4 and 5 of Brookline, and is defined by the Pill Hill Local Historic District. The boundaries include the High Street Hill National Register District which was created in 1977. The High Street Hill Association was organized the 1958 by a group of neighbors living around High Street, a part of town that has been called “Pill Hill” and “High Street Hill.” The HSHA is believed to be the oldest continuously operating neighborhood association in Brookline.
The neighborhood association seeks to foster and promote a sense of community and the common interests of the residents and property owners, and to be a place of convening and dialogue on a wide range of issues including housing, education, the environment, parks and open space, and historic preservation.
HSHA members receive regular updates and can check this website as well for news and information. Among our traditional events are Christmas Eve caroling, the Spring potluck meeting, and a Father’s Day Picnic. With our listserve, Highlights newsletter, website, and Facebook page, we provide updates about issues related to the neighborhood.
If you would like to become a member, please contact us at :