Come one, come all to the High Street Hill Association Annual Meeting, Monday, May 7th 2018 at the Latvian Lutheran Church, 58 Irving Street starting at 6 pm. As per tradition, it’s a Family Potluck Dinner — those with last names beginning with A-F please bring a salad, G-M a main dish, and N-Z a dessert — followed by an interesting program and Annual Business Meeting and Board Election to follow.
Rob Daves, an Upland Road resident and Town Meeting Member, will give an illustrated talk on John Wilson (1922-2015), a nationally celebrated African-American artist who lived in Brookline with his family for 50 years. His art, widely admired for its emotional resonance and examination of injustice, is featured in museums and graces public spaces around the country, including the U.S. Capitol Rotunda. Wilson was “One of Boston’s most esteemed and accomplished artists,” said Sebastian Smee, former Boston Globe art critic. Rob has helped organize a group of Brookline residents from diverse backgrounds to raise money for the purchase of John Wilson’s inspirational bronze sculpture of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. The sculpture will be installed at Town Hall where it will serve to remind us all of King’s fight for justice and equality. For more information, please visit:
We’ll also hear updates from local organizations including the Brookline Community Foundation and the Brookline GreenSpace Alliance, and vote on the 2018 HSHA Board Candidate Slate:
Wendy Machmuller, President
Anthony Flint, Vice President
Kim Ozaki Erik, Secretary
Matt Hyatt, Treasurer
Christopher Gates
Margaret Talcott
Liz Craig-Olins
Eric Wurster
Diana Post
Peggy Campion (new)
Yana Piralkova (new)
Many thanks to outgoing board members John Carpenter, who has served for six years as secretary, and Elizabeth Childs for their service to the neighborhood.
The High Street Hill Association is proud to organize many activities over the past year, including the Feb. 12 Neighborhood Author Talk with Walnut Street resident Anthony Flint on Modern Man: the Life of Le Corbusier, Architect of Tomorrow; the Candidates Night with the Greater Point Neighborhood Association at Lincoln School; last year’s Annual Meeting and Conversation with Brookline Police Chief Daniel O’Leary; a performance of I Spy Butterfly for members and their children at the Puppet Showplace Theater in Brookline Village; the annual Father’s Day Picnic on Philbrick Green with pony rides, food, and beverages; a performance of Vanessa Trien and the Jumping Monkeys on Philbrick Green; Neighborhood Author Talk with Walnut Place resident Jessica Shattuck on The Women in the Castle; the traditional Christmas Eve Caroling on Philbrick Green; and the new tradition of a winter Soup Stroll. Among many other activities, we worked with neighbors on Allerton St., Cumberland Ave., Hawthorn Rd. and Glen Summer Rd. to submit a request for a town traffic study of these four streets; and have been engaged in the many development projects along Boylston Street.
The HSHA board welcomes your input and involvement in neighborhood issues and programs ahead – please be in touch! For contact info, go to and Follow us on Facebook @HighStreetHillAssociation.