HSHA Annual Meeting & Potluck Dinner
Monday, May 6th 6-8 pm
Latvian Lutheran Church, 58 Irving Street
- 6pm Family Potluck Dinner*
- 7pm Program: Climate Change – What Each of Us Can Do
- Nika Elugardo; Mothers Out Front; Brookline Youth
- HSHA Annual Business Meeting and Board Election
* Those with last names beginning with A-L please bring a main dish, M-Z a side dish. HSHA will provide dessert and beverages. Please feel free to bring a beverage to share.
Welcome: Wendy Machmuller, HSHA President
Introduction of Town Candidates:
- Select Board
- School Committee
- Town Meeting (Precinct 5)
Recognition: Arlene and Hugh Mattison, for their efforts on Brookline’s Green Space
Presentation: Climate change is the existential threat of our time, leaving many of us to wonder what we as individuals and families can do – and in turn, what activities and initiatives are emerging at the local and state level.
Rep. Nika Elugardo will start us off by speaking briefly about state-level policy to combat climate change and build resilience to the coming impacts of global warming, including sea level rise, flooding, and volatile weather.
Next, Deane Coady, one of the organizers of Mothers Out Front Brookline https://ma.mothersoutfront.org/brookline] will provide information on key actions we all can take, such as opting in for 100% green electricity on our utility bills; walking, biking, and driving electric vehicles; saving money and fuel by making homes more energy-efficient; and composting.
We will then hear perspectives from three Brookline youth who are taking action. BHS students Anjali Mitra, Konah Brownell, and Saya Ameli each have a compelling story to share with us – a personal connection to climate change, a Liberian refugee forced to flee due to the palm-oil industry, an Iranian child seeing the sun for the first time in Tehran – all experiences which have led them to become champions of the environment in their own right. We will conclude with time for Q & A.
HSHA Business Meeting:
Treasurer’s Report ~ Matt Hyatt, Treasurer
Thank you to Retiring Board Members ~ Chris Gates, Kim Ozaki, and Margaret Talcott
Election of HSHA Board & Officers ~ Proposed Nominees for 2019-2020
Wendy Machmuller President
Anthony Flint Vice President
Liz Craig Olins Secretary
Matt Hyatt Treasurer
Diana Post
Erik Wurster
Peggy Campion
Yana Piralkova
Lena Berc
Helen McDonald