Wednesday, October 28
7:00 – 9:00pm
Town Hall, Room 103
The Planning and Community Development Department has engaged a class of Land Use Planning students from M.I.T’s Department of Urban Studies and Planning to conduct an assessment of Route 9 East (Cypress St. to Brookline/Boston line). With the construction of the Hilton Homewood Suites at the former Red Cab site well underway and with construction at Brookline Place and Gateway East commencing soon, there is an opportunity to build upon this momentum and to create a vision for the rest of this portion of Route 9. The students will be helping us start the visioning process by examining variables including, but not limited to, expanded tax base, increased commercial/retail activity, housing, as well as additional bicycle/pedestrian improvements and other public amenities. Poster_Public Meeting_Oct 28_FinalThe students will be presenting their preliminary findings and analysis and soliciting feedback from the public at this meeting.