Come take a walk with Tom Brady! Tree Tour with Town Arborist
Sunday, May 15th 3:00 pm Departing from Edgehill Road
Join HSHA members and Brookline Tree Warden and town arborist, Thomas Brady, to discover the notable trees in our neighborhood. The walking tour will begin at the end of Edgehill Road where, this past fall, the High Street Hill Association planted a disease-resistant Princeton Elm in honor of Betsy and Gary Gross, long-time Edgehill residents and community leaders. From there, we’ll set off to see Weeping Hemlock, Tulip Poplar, London Pane, European Cutleaf Beech, Redwood, Yellow Wood, and Sourwood trees, and others. The one hour tour will conclude at 8 Upland Road, the home of Rob Daves and Jennifer Jackson where refreshments will be served on their beautiful porch.